This game was made in two days for the GMTK Game Jam 2020.


Shoot the statues that are placed around the planet. They need to be shot 3 times before they are fully destroyed (damage is indicated visually by the damage on the statue). Each statue gives 10 points, and after 100 points are reached the planet shrinks a little. 

Continue to destroy the statues until the planet is at its smallest. After destroying all statues on the tiny planet, the game is won. 

However, beware of your own projectiles! They travel around the planet, entering orbit the moment you shoot. If you're not careful, they will be your demise. The smaller the planet, the harder it is to avoid them.

• Shoot 10 statues (each 3 times) to shrink the planet a little

• When all 10 statues are destroyed and the planet is at it's smallest, the game is won.

Avoid your bullets as they orbit the planet, they hurt.


• Move = W,A,S,D

• Aim = From player to mouse cursor

• Shoot = Space

• Mute music = M


You are a tank on a tiny planet shooting statues. The lore is obviously too deep to be explained here ;)

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